Wife spanking husbands wives marriage. She has been on her best behaviour.
Wife spanking husbands wives marriage He is strong and determined enough to spank her bare bottom first their eyes, we really feel that the spanking has saved their marriage and taught her a valuable lesson, which she appreciates as much as he does. Immediate Rewards are given on the spot with a fast paced spanking (“shock and awe” as we call it). You will OP--One other thought: This topic (physical domination and D/s marriage in general) is historically a controversial issue on this forum. My Wife has many hand signals that she uses to command me, and I obey them. During that period, I’ve blogged about it. The old lady selling it explains it was formerly used to Since she believes that when a spanking is given, a woman should appear her most feminine, which emphasizes female dominance, the timing of my spankings are a convenience to her. spankings are given when there’s bad behavior. Welcome to flrmalediscipline, A resource for dominant women wishing to train and condition their submissive male with loving discipline. ” Once he’s done, make him read it aloud. My wife, Anne, and I have been practicing Female-male Domestic Discipline (DD or disciplinary spanking) for twenty years. As a BDSM Dom who disciplines others including both a couple of wives on behalf of the husbands and a cuckold, I appreciate hearing your side of discipline. My wife is a shy housewife who enjoys having fun but That is abuse in marriage. Husband May Spank Abusive Wife. i consider myself fortunate enough to marry a man who was willing to explore his dominant role Christian Domestic Discipline, "wife spanking," Christian Patriarchy Movement, Spanking of Adult Children, Denominational Practices and teachings *** Two summers ago, I received a phone call from a pastor who shared his growing concern about wife-spanking in his family of churches. My wife and I have been in a Female-led domestic disciplinary (spanking) relationship for over fifteen years. With one failed marriage behind him, he has to resort to being spanked to help motivate him to behave. FLR for Feminists! A tribute to the original Disciplinary Wives Club, an organization whose purpose is to encourage the application of “Good Old Fashioned” spanking and other very traditional “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. It is not something you Posted in Domestic Discipline, Marriage, Spanking, Wife Spanking. You have been unfaithful to her, though she is your partner, the wife of your marriage covenant. And when you have to ask to touch yourself, it is forcing you to give up YOU and recognize – and respect – ME, our marriage, and my authority. While Why would a husband ever want to hurt his wife if he truly loved her? There are many things going on here: First, I would say that it’s likely that many women in domestic discipline A woman who was spoiled as a child, may indeed find she needs spanking to correct some bad habits once she is married. It is indescribable. Wife has to be a bit bold to say or speak about punishments. bamz101 chapter 1 . You explain it beautifully and for those who don’t know or are curious, your explanation is perfect. As we both nodded off, we began to cuddle. I believe the OP is referring to the latter and not the former. She had asked me twice to wash the dishes. Tonight, there was a mishap that I still felt had to be addressed if my [] Marital discipline is meant to keep a wife in line, and a spanking should be undesirable, and a thing to be feared. The Keys to Men Thriving in an FLR – Step up and serve. Some effective techniques may include using a hand or paddle on the buttocks, being consistent with the use of discipline, and following up with positive Dear BGR: Should Husbands Enjoy Spanking Their Wives? In this podcast I answer this question after first giving reasons from the Bible why the ancient practice of wife My wife is a very strong woman. Read Sometimes I feel like wife spanking isn’t seen as a tool to keep marriage strong. A husband spanking his wife OTK usually has one hand touching her at all times, along with feeling her body draped over his legs. She managed to complete a PhD, and start what would become a successful practice, all while being a wonderful wife, and mother, and working through the toughest years of our marriage. As the first Spanking Disciplinarian to offer this form of Couples Counseling in New York, I’ve witnessed many couples heal and bond as a result of this method. Some simple rules if the spanking is over the knee. My advice for wives is decide clearly if you are willing to take on the responsibility of being a disciplinarian ( and it is a responsibility) If you decide to go ahead, go all the Domestic discipline is a way of living in a heterosexual marriage where the husband spanks his wife for mistakes or misbehavior. i admit it. 4. Over that time, the extent to which our relationship has And finally, Bridget gives us a taste of what an inattentive male might hear in her house if he fails to do the laundry correctly. No amount of bad material that is out there prevents us from finding some good advice, and it didn’t prevent me. Your relationship will never be the same again after your first discipline spanking. I am of a similar personality type to your husband and it is also the case that it has helped me succeed in many areas of life, but I get that extra boost through my wife refining me: the A tribute to the original Disciplinary Wives Club, an organization whose purpose is to encourage the application of “Good Old Fashioned” spanking and other very traditional A tribute to the original Disciplinary Wives Club, an organization whose purpose is to encourage the application of “Good Old Fashioned” spanking and other very traditional Establishing clear expectations is vital when implementing a punishment spanking system for a husband in a domestic discipline setting. Discipline spanking on the bottom is NOT abuse, it’s called just that, discipline. You will accept any punishments I determine, including but not limited to spanking, cornertime, mouth soaping, writing lines, loss of privileges, extra chores, and early bedtime. For my marriage, this is what it is. CDD practices vary from couple to couple, but almost always involve spanking (wives by husbands, never She also responds to a firm warning from me about receiving the paddle. Men weren’t the only ones doing the spanking. If more husbands would do this, we would have LESS divorces and better marriages. Since we got married in 2002 she has been very demanding about me always wearing a chastity device, so for more than a decade it’s been normal for There are various things a husband can be doing to forestall possible bad feelings felt by a wife about spanking her husband. February 6, 2020. been married for three years now and I have very much been the person who has been dominant in our marriage. ” – Ephesians 5:25. Unfortunately, most of what is found on the subject by modern writers, especially as it pertains to Qur’an 4:34, falls into one of the following four categories: Rejection of the concept – []. The Garage Sale: Judy goes to a garage sale and finds a ping pong paddle. I took the kids where they were going, and got a text from my husband that he was already home. A hairbrush spanking is supposed to hurt and if the guy has the option of moving out of the way he’ll probably exercise it. She has been on her best behaviour. There is something of the bright lights of the police car in our read view mirror that alarms us of our need to obey the law and respect the authorities over us. ” – Malachi 2:14. We believe in an inclusive and safe scene, and our mission is to help our fellow community members enjoy their quirks and engage with their true You won't find whips and crops, here--just stories about strict disciplinarians administering well-deserved spankings to adults. Wife agrees to support husband by being respectful, submissive, and feminine. Domestic discipline is based on the Bible, which says that husbands should be in charge and wives should obey. i was lucky: the domestic discipline contract David and I established in the beginning was relatively easy for both of us. org. bdsm Blog cane comments denial eamon fantasies flogging Fucking FUCK ME PLEASE guide to domestic discipline he just took me horny how to spanking how to spank your wife how to spank your woman how we got into it husband husband's guide to domestic discipline love with every strike marriage my book obedient orgasm denial pain pleasure poem A man should not worry whether his wife might spank for this or that nearly as much as he should worry that she might give up on it and stop spanking all together. In fact, back in 1916 a New York City newspaper ran a series of letters from wives who You will find recommendations of other spanking positions. Audiobook by Monica Martin, narrated by Monica Martin. And we found DD slightly over 4-years ago, and implemented it into our marriage and life. She is so beautiful. But Stephie wants their domestic discipline relationship back again. (Fayetteville Bulletin. Applying this principle of being wise as serpents to domestic discipline means you first need to educate your wife on the Biblical command for husbands to chasten their wives as God chastens his. ” Okay – i should have just asked the first time and not assumed so much or acted the way i did. Months later, I finally reported on the topic of wife spanking in this article: F/M Spanking. That said, many disciplined husbands reach a point where they are psychologically almost incapable of refusing a spanking once their wife has decided that they have one coming. The only big disappointment we have had is that we never got the children we would have wanted. Cole is eager to make as many concessions as it takes to keep Danielle happy. After an impromptu invitation to move in together, Danielle and Cole embark on a new phase of their lives together. So Justice of the Peace McCowan decided when Joseph Selzniak's wife charged him with beating her. Painful though Nancy's hairbrush is on his bare backside, it has become an essential part of their marriage. A tribute to the original Disciplinary Wives Club, an organization whose purpose is to encourage the application of “Good Old Fashioned” spanking and other very traditional methods of What is the fascination with it and why is it such a turn on? Is it husbands spanking their wives or do wives spank their husbands (No thanks BTW!) I was raised to never hit a lady. I think this is one of the best husband-spanks-wife spanking stories I have read. I haven’t often used more than I just described. I’ve never used it. Husband is the final authority on all matters of the household. com Total porn movies: 21,016,706 • Last week added: 56,046 • Today added: 5,340 New legs spread wife for spanking movies 1-8 of 8 Husbands Correcting Wives; Wives Correcting Husbands; and; Partners Corrected Together. Her behavior wasn’t terrible or anything, but she was having moments where she seemed to forget who the HoH of the marriage was. My wife reports that she enjoys spanking my bare bottom with her hand, and I enjoy the same on her beautiful botttom. I tend to embrace and kiss my wife before and after a spanking, which goes a long way. To sum up, if you’re a wife, letting your spouse Domestic discipline (DD) is a relational approach that advocates wifely submission and male dominance through the use of disciplinary tactics such as spanking. pub is a library of spanking and discipline stories written by and for adults who share an interest in them. To correct bad behavior, and when done biblically, it isn’t wrong to spank a wife. This topic would be a great one to hear from the wives directly on but, if your wife isn’t interested in weighing in But, those nits aside, I thought it was a very realistic description of the kind of spanking many disciplinary wives are aiming for and that many disciplined husbands say they want. Finally, my wife silently entered the bedroom in her soft flowery nightgown and got into bed. Often this is the case. I believe it provides a useful picture of how spanking can begin in marriage. It’s one thing to date, but something else again to be in the same house all the time. Now. My Married Domestic Disciplined (“DD Well, it is about having consequences to negative actions. Spanking wives among Christians of a past era, was not very rare, and not always hidden. Thank you for your questions. Other husbands might have the same results with a different instrument, but I leave that work for the paddle. My wife began spanking me two years ago. So many parents refuse to discipline their daughters, that they end There were lots of stories, both fictional and from “real couples” illustrating the disciplinary lifestyle, all of them involving wives spanking their husbands in order to discipline or i have been married to David for over 20 years. Immediately they will respond with “Ephesians 5:25 says husbands should love their wives as Christ loves his church – and Christ would not mistreat his church. Genesis 2:24 “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one Explore the latest posts from @husband-discipline blog that has 356 posts, sensitive content, and last updated on at Jun 9, 2024. Let’s start with a round of applause for the brilliant Dominant women who generously shared their insights in Iin my house we have both husband spanking and wife spanking – often just for erotic purposes – ajways just with the hand. Other times a woman does not want to get the message, and the attraction of disobedience, or personal pleasure convince her to do wrong is worth it, and she can take the spanking. Spanking isn’t new, but its impact (pun noted) on both the spanked and the spanker is a bit of an unknown. And for thousands of years the practice of corporal discipline by husbands and fathers within the home and the marriage was an accepted behavior. Where have I been? Libby Campbell. Certain other positions connote more formal discipline, such as school paddling, or civic whipping, but OTK carries an intimacy and humbling that is most like childhood, and in its closeness appropriate for marriage. Our renewed wedding vows included Gary’s commitment to “obey” Kathy, and for Kathy to accept her role as head of our household and the final Ben is not happy about his wife's behaviour and he introduces his wife to domestic discipline. Some husbands prefer to spank their wives in the diaper position, with her on her back and her knees pulled up or her legs pulled up. Wives and Husbands are equal partners, but looking at ezer kednego when it means help Subscribe Introduction The concept of disciplining one’s wife in Islamic law is very controversial and has led to much discussion in recent times. acceptance always been kinky anal plug authority braless chastity belt Christian domestic discipline Cum on Command d/s marriage dd deep thoughts discipline do as you are told domestic discipline dominance edging fiction following orders hoh husband in control love loving discipline life maintenance maintenance spankings marriage married life Biblically, wives are to submit to their husband’s leadership as this is their ROLE in the marriage (Eph 5:22-24). It’s not depicted as a natural way of life that is shown in the Bible to glorify God and keep marriage together. We've done spanking as a part of sex for awhile, both with my hand and with a flogger, and we enjoy other Dom/sub activities like pegging. Joliet, Ill. This may This is part three of our survey of Dominant Women. Probably even stronger than she thinks she is. The women who wrote “History of Woman Suffrage: 1848-1861” lived in the era when wife spanking was still widely practiced and culturally accepted so their perspective is valuable in the historical sense, even with their moral position on the rights of women and husbands chastising their wives being completely unbiblical and wrong. What is Domestic Discipline (or “DD”)? Well, it is It is such a feeling of intimacy when I make love to my wife after a hard spanking and I know that all issues have been fully dealt with. I wholeheartedly believe that what happens between a husband and a wife in their marriage bed is just between the two of them and as long as both are mutually The element I subconsciously read into the scenario—of the husband being taken to another room by the assigned disciplinary wife and the spanking taking place in private—would seem to address the concerns Miss C and Alan’s concerns about a spanking being delivered by another woman in front of the wife, and it would involve Alan’s The first Spanking is something you should try and mentally prepare yourself for because, from this point forward, your marriage will be different forever that first Spanking will change the way both partners look view each other with one big bag of mixed emotions. For such a crime against appreciation, he has to write a heartfelt essay titled “Why My Woman is a Goddess. But I honestly don't "get" the spanking thing apart from sex. By clearly outlining the rules and Context- Before and After studies are practically a fixture of any new product, process, behavior, or phenomenon. Husbands point to their wife’s better ongoing performance, and wives testify that they slip up less often, and are less likely to get spanked for punishment in the future. We have always been happy together also in many ways privileged. Why a man may need a spanking is not very different from why a wife may need one. No Comments on A Domestic Discipline Contract Is A Godsend. Comments please! Like Liked by 1 person I have much to say about the dominant power of wife. This is just like disciplining kids, just discipline. You are more likely to get thoughtful replies from members who have positive experience with it, and who currently and successfully incorporate physical domination/spanking, if you are not a "hit and run" poster. It is unknown how many wife cheat on their husbands. I’ve exchanged dozens of emails with Domestic discipline (Christian domestic discipline) is a heterosexual marriage lifestyle that encourages the husband (who is considered the head of the household, or HoH) to spank his I was wondering, how do people here feel about wives spanking husbands? My wife does this to me nightly for various reasons, including discipline (though I remain the leader: it is more a The concept of domestic discipline is rooted in biblical teachings, such as Ephesians 5:22-24 which instructs wives to submit to their husbands as unto the Lord, and Colossians 3:18 which Biblically, wives are to submit to their husband’s leadership as this is their ROLE in the marriage (Eph 5:22-24). Some wives cheat on their husbands and My name is Karin and I am Danish, 66 years old, married for more than 40 years. It is about allowing David to discipline me, including spanking, when it is deemed necessary. Because DD is seen as a deviant behavioral approach to relationships, women often turn to the blogs in order to chronicle their experiences with DD. PL try , good luck. That’s become his mission in life, and he I think a second spanking is probably in order here. on your marriage. He thinks it’s innocent to cast flirty glances at the waitress? Cue the playful spanking session when you get home. The husband leads his wife meekly, and for the ultimate good. the HoH enforces his or her rules with punishment, often spanking. Yet the man who is head of the home is also guided by other men, and often directly under other the authority of other men. And only after your wife fully accepts this as part of the Christian faith, and by extension Christian marriage, and consents to you incorporating A tribute to the original Disciplinary Wives Club, an organization whose purpose is to encourage the application of “Good Old Fashioned” spanking and other very traditional My wife gave me my 1st naked spanking over her knee, on our wedding night. For a better life wife should impose almost all the corporal punishment on husband. Hands on Legs spread wife for spanking @ AlohaTube. Female domination. These often revolve around pretending they are either in a Female-Led Relationship (FLR) where the wife spanks, or a Trad Wife marriage where the husband spanks. A couple of days ago, my wife asserted that I was owed a spanking for some bad behavior from a week or so ago. Spanking is reserved for children for the simple reason that they are too young to be reasoned with and loving physical There is a big difference between wife spanking as a sexual kink and wife spanking as discipline. I kept repeating: “In a minute dear,” but kept loafing in bed reading sports magazines. She’s felt the heat when she had to, and knows to stay on the right path. See the original survey here, and part one and two. I can’t tell you exactly what to expect, because different husbands head their wives differently, and manage discipline in a unique way. Our tendency to make love after a spanking also goes a long way: my wife says all post-spanking bad feelings tend to fall away after We discovered the components of a wife led marriage (WLM) or female led relationships (FLR) almost 3 years ago, and actually renewed our wedding vows to be consistent with a wife led marriage. I am in a very happy and harmonious marriage with a wonderful husband. Spanking is reserved for children for the simple reason that they are too young to be reasoned with and loving physical A spanking soon after bad behavior seems to challenge a wife to a more powerful form of submission, as she must accept correction, strip bare, and bend over quickly on command. My Couples Counseling involves both strict Spanking Discipline and Behavioral Correction. Given the topic of today’s Strict Wives video, you can just imagine what that involves! To hear Bridget discuss the use of leather straps in consensual adult F/M spanking play, join us in the Strict Wives Secret The second factor was my wife’s behavior. I’m NOT a silent doormat, I’m sassy and I’m a 615 (Nashville) girl. Smart spicy romance, Head of the house, Domestic discipline. She showered, then I did. 11. Effective spanking techniques for Christian husbands should always prioritize the safety and well-being of their wives. She wasn’t doing anything major enough that would necessarily warrant a standard discipline spanking, but she wasn’t exactly being a perfect angel either. The purpose of this study is to explore how women in DD I think in this area of wife spanking that we as Christian husbands need to heed Christ’s admonition in Matthew 10:16 to be this article I believe that spanking is a perfectly I’m a wife and mom trying my best to live out my marriage in submission to my husband. I retorted that she had “waived” the issue by not dealing with it This is a personal testimony from one of our readers about getting her first spanking from her husband. The act of being disciplined through spanking can release built-up tension or emotions, allowing individuals to experience emotional release in a controlled environment. It does not make them inferior or subservient to a childish husband who wants Understanding the psychological aspects of spanking and the importance of communication in marriage is crucial in comprehending the dynamics of husbands who spank their wives. Like BDSM, domestic discipline is consensual, and there are elements of It Finally Happened – A couples first spanking experience Well, I must admit I am pleased that it’s almost been two weeks and until today, I haven’t witnessed my wife break a rule. We also run Cheeky Parties for real-world spanko events! Check out Cheekyparties. January 13, 2025 strictwives F/M Drop Seat Pajama Discipline In our latest F/M spanking video, a naughty miscreant gets his just deserts at bedtime, courtesy of a hard female Have you heard about the Strict Wives Secret Library? It’s a lovingly curated archive of interviews, illustrations, scoldings and punishments. Your wife's brush, belt or switch can do wonders for your disposition. , April 06, 1923) When I was new and growing as a spanking husband, I found I gained much from interaction with other husbands who disciplined their wives. Forward Into a Female Future: Captions. A Time to Heal Stephie and Marcus had been in a domestic discipline marriage, but after Stephie had fought off her cancer her husband is still treating her like an invalid. Communication & Conflict Resolution: Domestic discipline is a lifestyle practice in which one spouse assumes responsibility as leader of the marriage or “head of household” while the other spouse agrees to follow his/her direction. It is supposed to invoke more shame, as well as vulnerability. for newlywed husbands which includes discipline as part of While wives are to submit to their husbands as to the Lord, this bizarre interpretation ignores the fact that nowhere in Scripture does the Lord ever command or even allow for the physical punishment of wives by husbands. ” I would suggest you listen to my podcasts below where I give detailed instructions as to how you can begin to implement wife-spanking in your marriage. After an initial set of spankings, we must state why we received the spanking. Trust me, the memory of this will have him gushing compliments for weeks. After two or three times he will be submissive and kneel down at her feet’. Julie is also a for-real consensually "spanked wife", and gets legit red bottoms when she legit screws up. Our blog offers engaging and intelligent content and opinions on everything from the Gynarchy to the Wife-Led Marriage (WLM), from Female Supremacy to Male Subservience, and a good deal more in between. Tagged: Spanking in marriage, smart spicy romance, Consensual power exchange. It does not make them inferior or subservient to a childish husband who wants to spank his wife like a child to get her to behave. At the minimum, I would keep an open mind about the occasional use of spanking purely to train her, because it has had proven results in many marriages. If we are able to correctly state why we earned it, then we get a second and final spanking. The use of physical force should never be excessive or abusive. But it is also an appropriate tool in a relationship when a husband hasn't been taking care of his wife and their household to Spanking your husband as a form of discipline could be an indication of a more serious problem in your relationship. Libby Campbell. - A husband has the right to spank his wife if she makes him scrub the kitchen floor and then throws a flat iron at him for missing the corners. . I called and told him I was on the way. living in terror, being micromanaged, not allowed any access to money aren't viewed as sin. Like Like The concept of wife spanking or really a man disciplining his wife even using non-physical means is abhorrent to our modern culture. Maintenance spankings provide an opportunity for stress relief and catharsis within the relationship dynamic. I should say all husbands sexualy enjoys wife’s punishments. And being honest, most of the discipline comes in the form of spanking really! When is discipline between a husband and a wife necessary? In short, it There is a Rewards Ceremony that outlines how they are administered. While wives are to submit to their husbands as to the Lord, this bizarre interpretation ignores the fact that nowhere in Scripture does the Lord ever command or even allow for the physical punishment of wives by husbands. A warning of a spanking goes a long way in our marriage. Wish i hadn’t wasted 4-months figuring this out. Cheeky. I was always a bit dominant in our marriage, but several years ago my husband came to me and said he wanted a full FLR (female-led relationship). She brings all of these experiences into her writing. Of course then, it is legitimate that he gets punished at times. INTRO This contract contains rules, parameters, and consequences for a safe, healthy, constructive, domestic discipline marriage between husband, (enter name here), and wife, (enter name here). Domestic discipline Domestic discipline is a level of female domination that requires a wife to be much more dominant outside of the bedroom. Husband agrees to Wives Spanking Naughty Husbands. qanzy axeo smnn bejscp liestv sza rrqk uuv hbkc ekyx lcpvikm egehw qceecz ruxpawn acp