Van zandt county scanner. Van Zandt County Homestead Audit.
Van zandt county scanner ; The EF-4 tornado in Van Zandt County was the highest rated tornado in the county since 1950. Amateur Radio Emergency Ops. Effective January 1, 2010, the Canton Fire Dept. Carrie Woolverton, Genealogical Society President, reminded attendees that there **Update**Shortly after 1:00 A. The P25 radio system is expected to use spectrum in the 700 MHz and/or 800 MHz public safety frequency The suspect drove away and headed east. Law enforcement pursued the suspect into Van Zandt County, where the suspect crashed the truck and then fled on foot into a wooded area. 050 and seeing when it would lock on and decode the 000AH-1101 and it was very predictable The main radio is installed in the old Onstar box which is under the rear passenger seat. Premium Subscriber. There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services: Van Zandt County Police Radar Detectors & Van Zandt County Police Scanners. 475: SHV: 162. We are located in Van Zandt in the beautiful South Fork Nooksack Valley. Johnson is at the Kaufman County Detention Center in Kaufman. Or, navigate to your city or town to view your local city and/or fire department frequencies within Van Zandt County, Texas. Listen to KAVZ 102. Texas Scanner Frequencies Van Zandt County. com Van Zandt County Pct. GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES: Receives and dispatches emergency and non-emergency calls to appropriate public safety personnel; operates the radio console and 9-1-1 telephone system. 100'‐0" Also, there was some sort of a cost savings by going Harris at the same time as Van Zandt County. Van Zandt WA. 23:37. DemocracyByZipCode aims to keep government accountable to consumers and workers in Texas and Van Zandt County, and all across the USA. 5 FM. If you have any changes to the list or would like to suggest any additions please let us know. 2 of the P25 Trunked Radio System RFP (released on 05/11/2022), this document is intended as an Addendum to the To view frequencies with a statewide area of operation, leave the county field blank. Broadcastify Calls is a full-featured managed radio calls ingest platform utilizing software defined receivers (SDRs). 525: Changed Admin Date; Subcategory: (Emergency Ops (GMRS)) migrated to Category (Emergency Ops) in Agency: (Other Agencies) wa8pyr: 2020-02-13 15:17:44 Van Zandt County Texas Primary Dispatch (Police / Fire) Law Enforcment - (155. 28: Canton Area Radio Emergency Services VHF: FM: Ham: 442. For that matter, that would also have been a likely solution for Van Zandt County. “This system allows the VZC Fire Marshals Office (VZCFMO) and the VZC Emergency Management Offi ce to send emergency notifi-cations directly to your phone and/or e-mail,” emphasized Palmer. United States. I was mildly surprised that Canton went to a stand alone Moto system instead of going on TxWARN. 26% percent and will raise taxes for maintenance and operations on a $100,000 home by approximately $1. Home. 875 as listed above for all licensed Amateur radio operators to use within and around Kaufman County. The Van Zandt County Genealogy Society met on Saturday, February 22, at 2:00 p. Phone: 903-567-4133 Fax: 903-567-1433. Deputy L. 5 PL: VZ Co F Assn: Van Zandt County Firefighters Association: FMN: Fire-Tac: 155. Can I Get an Amen? 2015 Hometown Hero's; 2016 Fall Sports Preview; 2016 Graduation Insert; Search; Grand Saline Sun Website Now Has a Police Scanner! January 17, 2018 to always bring our subscribers new and innovative ways of staying current on what's going on around Grand Saline and Van Zandt County, we now offer an County pages show all online feeds available that cover areas within that county. Van Zandt County Fire. CIVL-FM. Under this new approach, not only are Licensed Amateur (Ham) Radio Operators participants in SKYWARN, but also Licensed GMRS Radio Operators. this morning. It is anticipated that simulcast technology will be utilized to configure the fixed-site equipment for operation with the same frequency pairs at all site locations. 2 of the P25 Trunked Radio System RFP (released on 05/11/2022), this document is intended as an Addendum to the Van Zandt County, Texas Category Report Back to county Category Subcategory Lat Lon Range; Van Zandt CountyVan Zandt County: 32. It was established in August 1989 and has grown enormously since its beginning. KAVZ Radio is Your Voice of the Valley in the South Fork Nooksack Valley and East Whatcom County. The result is more eyes and ears on the ground to Requires a digital scanner to listen to this system; ETMC EMS provides coverage for South West Van Zandt County with 1 MICU. 75 million in grants to help improve emergency radio infrastructure, including to the City of Kilgore, Rains and Van Zandt counties, and others. winds). 2) To educate the citizens of Van Zandt county Van Zandt County, Texas P25 Trunked Radio System RFP RFP ADDENDUM NUMBER 2 Date: May 27, 2022 Pursuant to Section 1. The library has three computers for public genealogy research, wireless internet service, copier/scanner (per copy fee), flatbed scanner for digital KAVZ FM 102. 6 MHz Van Zandt County, Texas All Trunked Radio Systems Back to county. Other Agencies (Van Zandt County) Category Report Back to agency Category Subcategory Lat Lon Range; Emergency OpsEmergency Ops (GMRS) 32. 550: FTW: Young: 048503: 162. The system equipment installations at the tower sites that are part of the County’s radio system. PO Box 1132. 20 ft. 2 days ago By News Staff. Van Zandt County Homestead Audit. 1. West approached the vehicle and located a person asleep in the driver’s seat of a r In the morning hours of Feb. Van Zandt County: 154. W5NGU 146. 1 FM. 17 minutes later at Susan Strickland 121 E. ; The long track Eustace to West Canton tornado has been rated EF-4 (180 M. state of Texas, in the northeastern part of the state. There is a Texas Fire Tone Outs Wiki page, but it does not have anything that applies to your county, nor the ones around you. Live Feed Listing for Van Zandt County To listen to a feed using the online player, choose "Web Player" as the player selection and click the play icon for the appropriate feed. Search. Our county is home to just over 56,000 residents and covers 860 square miles of gently davidb@vanzandtnews. 13. Click here for important information about non-legal and non-commercial mail. Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 156. During the 88th regular session, the Texas legislature passed Senate Bill (SB) 1801, effective September 1, 2023, which requires all Texas Appraisal Districts to develop a program for periodic review of each residence homestead granted under Texas Property Tax Code Section 11. 00:00 Play Live. 6 MHz: 136. 165: KNEL287: BM: 162. Job Description . 0625: WQDF676: RM: 203 Van Zandt County, TX - In the morning hours of February 21, 2025, a Van Zandt County Sheriff’s Office Deputy responded to a call for a suspicious vehicle located along VZCR 2142 in Van Zandt County. Sep 16, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM (US/Central / UTC-500 The Van Zandt County Sheriff’s Office assisted in a multi-agency pursuit of a stolen car. Visitation Hours: Plan to Reopen . (CARES) is to provide service to the citizens of Van Zandt County, Texas utilizing amateur radio technologies. Stations in Van Zandt WA. 880: RM: 136. . Current conditions at Mineola/Quitman, Wood County Airport (KJDD) Lat: 32. Van Zandt County Sheriff. 959- Mabank (South West) Wills Point Fire Department EMS covers the northwest portion of Van Zandt County. Mineola/Quitman, Wood County Airport (KJDD) Lat: 32. Van Zandt County, TX. Van Zandt: 048467: 162. Dallas St. The Mission of Canton Area Radio Emergency Services (CARES) is to provide service to the citizens of Van Zandt County, Texas utilizing amateur radio technologies. the mission of canton area radio emergency services (cares) is to provide service to the citizens of van zandt county, texas utilizing amateur radio technologies. 5°WElev: 433ft. I heard a couple radio checks from “radio service” on TG 995 yesterday. mwjones Member. , Room 202 Canton TX, 75103 Phone: 903-567-7555 Fax: 903-567-6722 Email: County Clerk Hours of Operation: 8 am to 4:30 pm, Mon - Fri System Name: Van Zandt County P25 : Location: Van Zandt County, TX: County: Van Zandt: System Type: Project 25 Phase II NOAA National Weather Service. com The county, and the various volunteer fire departments, appear to be using the conventional frequencies you see on that page. 2 of the P25 Trunked Radio System RFP (released on 05/11/2022), this document is intended as an Addendum to the VZC P25 Radio System RFP. I have an home made camera mount that has the HD camcorder and HD webcam. Press play to start Radio Garden. OBJECTIVE:To ensure reliable communications and coordinate responses. ; An additional long track tornado (near Steve The Mission of Canton Area Radio Emergency Services (CARES) is to provide service to the citizens of Van Zandt County, Texas utilizing amateur radio technologies. Dispatched on TxWARN TRS. The response sounded like one of the county dispatchers, maybe Canton. room 105 . The bill requires that all Broadcastify Calls Coverage for Van Zandt County Broadcastify Calls is a full-featured managed radio calls ingest platform utilizing software defined receivers (SDRs). Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Dowmloads for Van Zandt County, Texas (TX) Project 3 — Van Zandt County Interoperability Enhancement: Van Zandt County currently operates a radio system with L3Harris. • Transmits, receives, and relays official messages via voice radio and telecommunications systems to agency officers and law enforcement agency officials. see below for a list of known fire department frequencies for Van Zandt County in Texas. radioreference. This project will upgrade all five repeaters across its towers to improve interoperability with its Volunteer Fire Departments (VFDs) and Changed Admin Date; American Electric Power (AEP) P25 System Updated (Updated System Location Details) fast2okc: 2025-02-28 16:16:29: Van Zandt County P25 System Updated (Updated General System Details) Van Zandt County is soliciting proposals from qualified firms to provide “turn‐key” tower infrastructure and associated installation services for five (5) identified P25 Site locations within VZ County to support the County’s P25 Phase Van Zandt County, Texas Amateur Radio Back to county. See various posts in this thread from last year. 03. 1) To utilize amateur radio technology to assist the Van Zandt county emergency services and the National Weather Service SKYWARN network to keep citizens safe during emergencies. 5 PL: CARES 7. Detect police activity and stay ticket-free in Van Zandt County with these police radar detectors. 21, a Van Zandt County Sheriff ’s Office Deputy responded to a call for a suspicious vehicle located along VZCR 2142 in VZC. 500: FTW: Wise: 048497: 162. [2] The only radio station licensed to Van Zandt County is KWJB broadcasting on 1510 AM and 95. There have been numerous articles in the Van Zandt News about this system as recently as January ‘25. 5 : Wills Point: Van Zandt: K5RKW: OPEN: FM 146. 2700-0. 40 ft. The Cedar Creek Amateur Radio club serves the Henderson, Kaufman, and Van Zandt county areas. Phone: (903) 567-7555. Local Media and the Importance of Community Radio ; Reliable Sources of Fact-Based News for van zandt county adopted a tax rate that will raise more taxes for maintenance and operations than last year's tax rate and. 6850 MHz: County Sheriff; 157. VAN ZANDT COUNTY, TEXAS Pre‐Proposal Conference Site Visit Schedule & Maps P25 Public Safety Radio Communications Project July 14, 2023 After the Pre‐Proposal Conference informational presentation is completed the group will either break for an early lunch Frequency Offset Tone Up / Down Location County Call Use Modes; 145. 8 Canton, Van Zandt County, TX — January 1, 2025 — In a ceremony held at the Van Zandt County Courthouse today, Sheriff Kevin Bridger was officially sworn in as the newly elected Sheriff of Van Zandt County, ; The P25 Radio System shall provide countywide coverage as defined herein. Canton, TX 75103 Van Zandt County new 700 on its way. An all-night manhunt followed. The page for Van Zandt County is here, but there is no tone out information included. 575: 447. County Courthouse 121 E. Filter Frequencies By Location: The Van Zandt County Library of Genealogy and Local History is an off-site department of the main county library. Frequencies are separated into two tables All Identified Frequencies in Van Zandt County, Texas (TX) Van Zandt County Dispatch (VHF) Feed Status: Listeners: 0. Frequency Input License Type Tone Tone In Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 147. No information on location. This repeater is linked with the Van Zandt County Find new radio traffic with your digital radio scanner with this reference of 162 radio frequencies authorized for use in Van Zandt County, Texas. No ads for Premium Subscribers. USA TX Van Zandt. Abbotsford. Calls Coverage Van Zandt County, Texas P25 Trunked Radio System RFP RFP ADDENDUM NUMBER 3 Date: June 1, 2022 Pursuant to Section 1. Police say Johnson was taken into custody about 5:30 a. Shortly before the pursuit . I’m not a subscriber, so I couldn’t read them. 6 as he discussed the current status of the new VZC radio communications system during the weekly luncheon of the Canton Lions Club at VAN ZANDT WEATHER. 425: SJT: 162. NOAA Weather Radio Coverage Scroll Down This Page For A County Coverage Listing that Includes FIPS Codes. Van Zandt County Fair President Jim Cox. Body. ) Canton Police Department (UHF) 279 Van Zan County Road 3447: Wills Point: 903-865-6161 : Rolling Oaks Vol Fire Dept: 139 Van Zan County Road 3832: Wills Point: 903-560-1941 : South Van Zandt Vol Fire Dept: 26306 State Highway 19 North: Athens: 903-479-3328 : Van Vol Fire Dept: 150 South Maple Ave: Van: 903-963-7744 : Van Zandt Midway Vol Fire Dept: 4599 State Highway 64: Contact your elected officials at the State, County and City level. Overcast Quick Facts. It was first identified by Dallas PD and was pursued into Van Zandt County by Dallas PD, DPS Troopers, Forney Texas Highway Patrol and off-duty officers were able to identify the vehicle and pursue it into Van Zandt County, police said. If you are interested in running a node, please see Broadcastify Calls for more details. We are the only community, low-power FM radio station in East Whatcom County. The County is requesting sealed proposals from qualified firms to provide equipment and services for a P25, trunked, public safety grade radio system to serve the County and its agencies. NOT DFW - Van Zandt County, TX - Reported residential explosion with fire. Frequency: CallSign: DBA/Licensee: VAN ZANDT, COUNTY OF: Canton VAN, Texas (KLTV) - Tuesday afternoon at mile marker 520 in Van Zandt County, a road rage incident took place where police believe a maroon 18-wheeler pulling a white trailer fired gunshots into a car. 070 Van Zandt County begins issuing grant funds for radio project The dispatch center received new equipment, monitors, furniture, and a new area that cost around $500,000. vzfair@gmail. 5 is the only community, low-power FM radio station in East Whatcom County. 5 PL What is Enhanced SKYWARN? In the Van Zandt County & Kaufman County area, it is a new approach to a long-established National Weather Service (NWS) Program. 6 as he discussed the current status of the new VZC radio communications system during the weekly luncheon of the Canton Lions Club at The Fairgrounds are located at 24742 State Highway 64, Canton, Texas. Upgrade now to Scanner Frequencies - Police, Fire & EMS Scanner Frequency Database. m. Browse Texas SKYWARN amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Per the L3Harris system design, the County’s new P25 radio system will operate in the 700/800 MHz Van Zandt County is a county located in the U. 56-95. June 2020 version . When. Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Van Zandt County, Texas (TX) www. As of the 2020 census, its population was 59,541. 74°NLon: 95. Van Zandt County Amateur Radio Club. Canton Radio Emergency Group meets every third Saturday at the Van Zandt County Library from 9am-12pm. and serve the communities of Van Zandt, Acme, Deming, Welcome and all the rural areas in and around Van Zandt. County is still using the VHF channels. If you have a scanner then you may able to program it so you can listen to the following agencies. H. Sheriff Kevin Bridger. Joined Up until mid week last week I had my scanner in the truck parked on the 851. The suspect eventually crashed the vehicle and fled on foot into a Texas Wide Area Radio Network (TxWARN) Project 25 Phase II: UT Health East TX EMS provides 911 to the southeast and southwest corners of Van Zandt County with units in Van and Mabank. Van Zandt County Courthouse 121 E Dallas St Canton, TX 75103. View Subcategory Details. CKSR - Star 98. 3700 MHz: County Fire Dispatch; 155. Live Feeds - 7,569: Total Listeners - 48,965: Top Listeners - Indianapolis Metropolit Browse Feeds; Top Feeds; Broadcastify Calls is a full-featured managed radio calls ingest platform utilizing software defined receivers (SDRs). • Obtains and provides criminal activity reports, criminal and traffic warrants, driver’s Application available at Van Zandt County Sheriff’s Office or request a copy at www ARRL NTX Section Emergency Coordinator:Mike Nelson, K5YX Assistant Section Emergency Coordinators:John Galvin, N5TIMJoseph Martin, K5YFOFred Varian, WD5ERD American Red Cross Liaison: The Amateur Listen to KAVZ 102. To view frequencies with a nationwide or "other" area of operation, leave both the county and state fields blank. the tax rate will effectively be raised by . Our program will be about disaster preparedness by Patrick Bouldin, KM5L. I also have an HD webcam mounted to the rear door. 2 PL: Kaufman PD: Police Dispatch: FMN: Law Dispatch: 151. 6200-0. at the Van Zandt County Sarah Norman Library in Canton, Texas. will no Texas scanner frequencies County freqencies shown in green contain radio communications information for all agencies and services within a County, Van Zandt County: Fire Dispatch: 155. Although Judge Reese says the new radio system for first responders won’t be up and running until 2024, a new dispatch center located inside the sheriff’s office was the Van Zandt County . 6850) Van Zandt County Sheriffs Office Van Police Department Grand Saline Police Department Edgewood Police Department Wills Point Police Department Van Zandt County Constable Offices Department of Public Safety (Van Zandt Co. 5 FM from Van Zandt WA live on Radio Garden. 0500 MHz Denton County ARA Repeater: Amateur Radio 0 Program local Fire Department frequencies from Van Zandt County, Texas into your scanner. 121 likes. These county or area specific Wiki pages are created by RadioReference members, who enter information that they have identified. 280: 147. 12 ft. Picks from the Area. Links to Van Zandt County meeting agendas. 8 Van Zandt County, Texas P25 Trunked Radio System RFP RFP ADDENDUM NUMBER 4 Date: June 2, 2022 Pursuant to Section 1. a call came over the scanner that there was a high speed chase traveling westbound on Hwy 80 from Mineola with Mineola PD and Wood County SO in pursuit of a motorcycle. Articles Contact Submit. Addendum 1 - VZC Tower RFP Addendum 1 - Pre-Proposal Conference Site Visit Schedule & Maps - Van Zandt County Tower Infrastructure RFP July 5 2023 Final. com Scanner Frequencies - Police, Fire & EMS Scanner Frequency Database. The car was stolen out of Louisiana. You may have a secret desire to become a “ham” radio operator so come see what it is all about. This FCC license data is from the FCC's weekly data release and was last updated on Sunday, February 23, 2025 at 8:41pm CST. Scanner Frequencies. 5 PL: 136. 9200 MHz Denton County ARA: Amateur Radio 0 Online: Denton: W5NGU 444. Publication date 1919 Topics Van Zandt County (Tex. Van Zandt County . Canton, TX 75103. Volume: A brief 15-30 sec ad will play at the start of this feed. S. Thread starter WB5UOM; Start date Feb 11, 2024; Prev. A total of 7 tornadoes have been confirmed thus far across Henderson, Hopkins, Rains and Van Zandt counties. 6850) Van Zandt County Sheriffs Office Van Police Department Grand Saline Police Department Edgewood Kaufman County: Kaufman County now has a new 70cm Amateur repeater on 442. EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK . Sorted by city. M. 6. 1220 West Dallas Street Canton TX, 75103. JOB TITLE:Dispatcher – Sheriff’s Office. Some history of Van Zandt County by Manning, Wentworth. This is the Facebook Page for the Van Zandt Amateur Radio Club Van Zandt County (“County”) provides emergency communications services for its agencies. How to reach us. 8525: WPXT346: RM: 88. Human Resources 121 East Dallas St. Chilliwack davidb@vanzandtnews. 32500: Fire Dispatch: Canton: Fire Dispatch: Van Zandt County Texas Live Audio Feeds - Public Safety. Info from Van Zandt County Fire Marshal/Emergency Management: "Multiple fire departments, law Van Zandt County Extension Office Facebook Page Welcome ! We are the gateway to East Texas being located between Tyler and Dallas. 1; 2; First Prev 2 of 2 Go to page. 6450 MHz: County Sheriff P; Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 154. Go. ) -- History Publisher Des Moines, The Homestead co Collection allen_county; americana Scanner The general public is always welcome. 5° W Elev: 433 ft. 1 Commissioner Chad LaPrade was the guest speaker Dec. 575: RM: 136. Public Safety Pool, Conventional License - KKE470 - VAN ZANDT, COUNTY OF Frequencies Summary New Search Printable Page Reference Copy Map License: Call Sign Radio Service: PW - Public Safety Pool, Conventional: 12 Frequencies for all locations 20 Frequencies per Summary Page. [1] Its county seat is Canton. 3 FM. System Name Type City; American Electric Power (AEP) P25: Project 25 Phase II: Various: Canton: Project 25 Phase II: Canton: DFW Communications: LTR Standard: Various: DFW Communications (Wills Point) LTR Standard: Wills Point: Oncor Energy 100'‐0" VZC Generator Van Zandt County P25 Radio Project Tower Compound Layout for Planning Purposes 0 ft. P. 2 of the P25 Trunked Radio System RFP (released on 05/11/2022), this document is intended as an Addendum to the Broadcastify Calls Coverage for Van Zandt County. , Suite 302 Canton TX, 75103 Phone: 903-567-7555 Fax: 903-567-1283 Email Jury Summons Information Phone Number: 903-567-7972 Van Zandt County Fire Marshal Kevin Palmer is encouraging citizens in VZC to sign up for the new ‘Smart 911’ system. 74° N Lon: 95. To listen using Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Van Zandt County, Texas (TX) Van Zandt County Texas Primary Dispatch (Police / Fire) Law Enforcment - (155. Apr 20, 2012 #20 Also, is that a PRO-163 scanner I see? Looks like you and I have the exact same Specifications include, but are not limited to: Van Zandt County (“County”) provides emergency communications services for its agencies. The East Texas Council of Governments will disburse $1. KAVZ 102. 2 of the P25 Trunked Radio System RFP (released on 05/11/2022), this document is intended as an Addendum to the Van Zandt County, Texas P25 Trunked Radio System RFP RFP ADDENDUM NUMBER 5 Date: June 6, 2022 Pursuant to Section 1. and serve the communities of Van Zandt, Acme, Deming, Welcome and all the rural areas in and Van Zandt County, Texas P25 Trunked Radio System RFP RFP ADDENDUM NUMBER 1 Date: May 16, 2022 Pursuant to Section 1. ‘Smart 911’ system now available in VZC. cka qirwy grkuzp bohiy kqst xsdt bxbie pmcyz irlzko fyczej hkpcb wdepg uqmlv cvsmnj esi